March Notes to Self


March Notes to Self

Hey there! Welcome back to another blog post. 

Recently, I've been trying to let some people go, cut off some people from my life, and figure myself out. Last week, I jotted down some notes to remind myself and to motivate myself. And I thought I'd share it here. 

I don't know if I'll do more of this in the future, but for now, here are my note-to-self's for March, and hopefully, they will inspire you too. 

-Cut unhealthy people from your life. They don't deserve to ruin your confidence, mood, and wellbeing. 

- Let people go. Stop trying if you're going to keep getting hurt. 

- Step out of the drama. Haters are goin' to hate. If you explained and did your part, then leave them to hate. There's no point in getting mad at someone you can't change. 

- It's ok to be less trendy, stylish, or girly. It's ok to be simple. Comparison is pointless cuz there'll always be someone better than you at something. 

- Gratefulness is so underrated. When life sucks don't sulk. Be thankful for what you still had and what went well. Cuz the things that happen are inevitable, but you decide whether to be happy or not. 

- Offense is inevitable, but getting offended is optional. When you get offended, it doesn't harm you, let it go. If you keep playing the scene in your mind, the only person you'll hurt is yourself. 

- Validation from within. You don't need someone to tell you you're beautiful to be beautiful. You don't need a boy to be enough. 

- The cost of procrastination is the life you could've lived. Stop dreading the work. It's beautiful and it pays off one way or another. 

And that's about it. Some of them sounds cliche, and we hear them often. But it doesn't make them any less true. We need these reminders to inspire and motivate us each day to enjoy the short life we're given and become the best versions of ourselves. 

Love you guys, follow this blog for more! <3


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