People-Pleasing is Not Worth It

People-Pleasing Is Not Worth It It's not worth throwing away your own opinions, interests, and identity to gain the approval of people. Photo by Rafa Barros I used to be such a people-pleaser. And I guess I still can be sometimes. It's an old bad habit. But after 10 years of trying to get people to like me, I learned that it's not worth it. When I was 7, I used to let people cut me in line because I was so afraid they will get mad at me if I say no. When I was little, I couldn't say no, even if I wanted to. I was so afraid of rejection and people disliking me. I remember hearing the other kids say, "Ask her to let you cut, she'll let you." Truth is, I don't want them to cut. But I couldn't say no, so I let them. I remember when girls would see a cute keychain I have and ask if they can have it. Obviously, I don't want to give it to them. But I couldn't flat out say "no." I just mumbled faintly "but it's mine..." ...