Comparison is Pointless

Comparison is Pointless Photo by Thiago Matos I'm still working on this myself. I'm still learning. I still compare a lot. But I'm trying to stop. I used to compare how I was when I was younger to how my little sister is now at that age. I would compare and try to be trendy, aesthetic, and "catch up." To know all the stuff, to have all the stuff. The right outfits, the right makeup, the right accessories, the right styles. I was really upset about the fact that my mom's rules are inconsistent. I had to wait 'till sophomore year when my mom finally lets me use makeup, and now my sister can get it so soon. And I was always left out cuz I wasn't allowed to text my classmates in 8th grade, and my sister's in group chats talking to people she's never met when she's in 7th. I was tired of waiting. Tired of being left behind. On the car one afternoon, going to dance class, I finally got the guts to complain to my mom about it. At one point she...